I took the adjacent photo from a rooftop of a multi-storey residential building off Nathan Road in Kowloon, Hong Kong in the summer of 2019. The lit-up doormat, bright red with gilded traditional script across it, is illuminated beside a loose pair of briefs or pyjama bottoms. Although upside down, it reads ‘Welcome’.

This website features all my published work, radio shows, audio projects, and essays.

— Charlie Jermyn

Published work

A triptych of essays on the Dutch landscape published in Het Hem’s digital magazine, ‘The Couch’

Part one — A devilish grin, a suburban carpark (Jan 2024)

Part two — The distant bungee jumper, a dangling herring (Feb 2024)

A short piece of travel prose published in ‘The Vendor’ at Onomatopee:

“Balkbrug and dogwood” (July 2023)